For real estate agents who want to build better businesses, build wealth and create impact.

Welcome to the Global Agent Investment Network.

The Global Agent Investment Network (GAIN) is a collaborative platform that brings together real estate professionals, industry experts, and technology leaders to foster innovation and excellence in the real estate industry. Powered by GRID and brokered by eXp, GAIN provides a unique space for networking, knowledge sharing, and leveraging cutting-edge tools to stay ahead in the dynamic world of real estate.

Welcome to a tribe of wealth-builders.

The GAIN movement is a network of agents within eXp dedicated to helping each other grow. Here, we aim to provide the accountability, education, and resources you need to build financial independence.

A built-in investor network.

Our unique partnership with GRID gives us access to one of the largest real estate investment networks in the world while eXp provides the brokerage platform that allows us to scale globally. This collaboration is an opportunity for anyone in the GAIN network to access to the following benefits:

8 Week Real Estate Investing Masterclass
Weekly Masterminds with REI Experts
Weekly GAIN Training Calls
Opportunity to Launch a GRID Investor Community in Your Market
In-Person Events and Retreats
Stock Options
Rev Share Opportunity + Weekly Training
Insurance + Tech Tools

  • Create your freedom vision, master your mindset, manage your energy and unleash your identity.

  • The truth is, nothing happens without a lead. Create predictable income and turn your business into a cash machine through sales and marketing that converts.

  • Build a business that works for you instead of you working for it through leverage, systems, and the right people.

  • Invest in income-producing assets to create passive income, including real estate and other businesses.

  • Master your leadership skills and raise your leadership lid through WISE and SERVE frameworks.

  • Expand through scale, collaboration and/or ancillary businesses.

  • Tie your profits to purpose and create long-term impact.


We have identified 7 levels of wealth, or steps, that take you on a journey from creating a freedom vision, investing in yourself, people and assets, and creating impact at the highest level.

The Income Flip Framework

The goal is to help you create a life that provides you freedom—and the most valuable asset that you have is your time. When you’re deep in the weeds in your job or in your business, you’re robbing yourself of valuable time.

In order to get that back, you have to do two things:

#1. Build systems 
#2. Buy assets.

When you do that, over time, you will be able to flip your income from active income to passive income.

That allows you to live the life you want to live with the people who you love the most.

Meet your GAIN Mentors

  • Chris Craddock

    CEO of The Redux Group

    leadership * vision * expansion * impact * team leader

  • David Mount

    COO at The Redux Group

    systems, operations, management, business growth

  • Rob Chevez

    CEO, The CAZA Companies
    Co-Founder, GRID

    leadership * vision * expansion * impact *team leader

  • Jessica Swingle

    Co-Founder, GRID
    Brand Advisor

    digital marketing * branding * team building * scale

  • Lars Hedenborg

    CEO/Founder B-School

    coaching * leadership * course creator * agent success

  • John Mikesh

    Agent Attraction

    real estate leader * recruiter * entrepreneur * trainer * speaker

  • Mike Capello

    CEO of Sell Simpli
    GRID Shenandoah Valley

    short term rentals * negotiation * cash buyer * acquisitions * sub-to

  • Mark Beckett

    CEO, CAZA Construction
    Co-Founder, GRID

    development * rehabbing * investments * construction

  • Emily King

    COO, The CAZA Companies

    systems * operations * team building * integrator

  • Cory King

    Agent-Investor, CAZA
    GRID Knoxville

    income properties * short term rentals * sales * negotiation

  • Mike Webber

    Agent-Investor, CAZA
    House Hacking

    house hacking * first-time investors * sales

  • Nayia Pierrakos

    Agent-Investor, Founder, Wealth Thru Real Estate

    creative financing * subject to's * leadership * vision

  • Dustin Olverson

    Co-Founder, One Dream Realty Group

    rehabbing * leadership * rentals * investing * management


We believe that relationships are rocket fuel.

When you join GAIN, you are plugging into an existing network of over 40K+ real estate investors and hyper-local communities across the country.

See what other agents are saying about GAIN

"From understanding the principles of the Income Flip, we went from having nothing to having 6 houses. I highly encourage you absorb everything this network has to offer.—Listen. Observe. Implement."

— Matt M.

"Loved the level of detail that this group provides. In all, I can't wait to share the wealth of knowledge. Now onward to implementing the work to scale what we already have in place. Thank you for the opportunity to learn and now grow a community.

—Ray R.

"The focus of this unique community is on making connections and real lasting relationships in the industry. I love learning about the different areas of investment, including creative financing.

I’m now open the possibilities of combining different sources of passive income."

—Roberta F.

"An incredible journey on how to be a purposeful real estate investor. Being introduced to the industry starting on the investing side back in 2018 helped with learning investing at a fast pace.

However, being able to re-learn content from a different lens makes the path to wealth-building more exciting."

—Asher C.

We provide proven strategies designed to make you smarter and more complete as a real estate entrepreneur.


Fill out the quick form below to schedule a 20 minute, zero-pressure call to chat about your wealth-building goals, and to see how GAIN can help move your business to the next level.

The value proposition of GAIN is ridiculous!

Nothing like GAIN has ever been built before, not at the scale that is being contemplated... on a platform that allows existing GAIN agents to give it away for free! It's mind blowing.

—Lars Hedenborg

We help driven real estate agents get off the transaction treadmill and help them build wealth.

Ready to get started?